Practice Areas
Elder Law
Why Should I Engage an Elder Law Attorney now?
While we might not like to admit it, requiring skilled in-home care, spending time in a nursing home, or simply being unable to fully care for yourself are real possibilities. Who will make medical decisions if you are not able to do so? Planning for long-term care and preserving your assets can pose many legal challenges: so make sure that a legal support system is in place to care for you and your loved ones when you are no longer able to do so.
Michael is an experienced Elder Law attorney who listens to your concerns, pays attention to the details, and persists through what can often be a difficult and tedious process. The result: you and your family will gain peace of mind about aging.
Michael has expertise in and takes a special interest in helping families with a member facing an Alzheimer’s or related dementia diagnosis.
Working with Michael Greenberg
Elder Law Services

Services provided by Michael J. Greenberg P.C. include:
Medicare and Medicaid Planning and Applications
Asset Protection, including Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts (MAPTs) and Pooled Income Trusts
Probate Administration
Hospital discharge and nursing home admissions
Powers of Attorney
Advance Directives, including Health Care Proxies and Living Wills
Caring for someone who is mentally incapacitated
Housing alternatives for seniors
Advice on reverse mortgages
Financial and health care planning
Tax Planning

Do you have a concern about Medicaid, Medical Directives, or other issues associated with aging? We will gladly meet with you in a complimentary 45-minute working session.